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Il Vero Nome Di Garnet

Aperto da Aerith, 26 Marzo 2005, 12:05:02

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Un mio amico chiamo Angelo (Il cane di Rinoa) STRUNZ.

Che risate ogni volta che si usava: STRUNZ alla carica

...c'è un po di ™ in ognuno di noi...


meglio sarebbe dargli un nome generico
per esempio: "Un passante", sai bello... "Un passante alla carica.." "Un passante aiuta tutti..."^^

Kazekage del villaggio della sabbia



Alone I travel through the wasteland in my heart
As the grievance tears me apart
Thinking of you and the things you meant to me
My heart is bleeding, I can't go on

If I could unwind the wheel of time I would have been by your side

If I could turn back time My precious love would be alive

The empty void inside my heart grows day by day
I have nowhere to turn to ease the pain
Remembering the smile you used to give me
And your laughter that could light my way home

If I could unwind the wheel of time I would have been by your side

If I could turn back time I never had a chance to say goodbye

I have cried and mourned my loss
My heart keeps beating only for you
Am I strong enough to fight on?
Without your love I stand, I stand empty and alone

So my love watch over me now
My rage catches fire, I will strike them down
I will avenge you, oh, vengeance' s so sweet
That's my last gift for you
I'm forever walking alone


"Bin Laden alla carica!" "Bin Landen aiuta tutti!"

Ora non so come si scrive Bin Laden xD come si pronuncia basta e avanza


Stavate parlando di me!? :love:
Regina di tutto, regina di niente Regina di un popolo, ma anche della mia fragilità


No del cane di rinoa.. cmq basta o andiamo fuori topic

Kazekage del villaggio della sabbia



Alone I travel through the wasteland in my heart
As the grievance tears me apart
Thinking of you and the things you meant to me
My heart is bleeding, I can't go on

If I could unwind the wheel of time I would have been by your side

If I could turn back time My precious love would be alive

The empty void inside my heart grows day by day
I have nowhere to turn to ease the pain
Remembering the smile you used to give me
And your laughter that could light my way home

If I could unwind the wheel of time I would have been by your side

If I could turn back time I never had a chance to say goodbye

I have cried and mourned my loss
My heart keeps beating only for you
Am I strong enough to fight on?
Without your love I stand, I stand empty and alone

So my love watch over me now
My rage catches fire, I will strike them down
I will avenge you, oh, vengeance' s so sweet
That's my last gift for you
I'm forever walking alone

Hyral Delita

la cosa piu bella e' chiamare i personaggi coi nomi originali giuro che io stavo per terra piegato dalle risate XD

ho fatto un save al 7 chiamando Red Nanaki e quando e' arrivato  al cosmo canyon  dice Il mio vero nome e' nanaki XD e tutti MA no??  ahahah
e con sara (garnet) lo stesso la chiami sara e poi scopri sul muro che si chiama veramente cosi

ciao sono sara.. e ma guarda sul muro c'e' scritto il tuo vero nome ahahahah SARA XD lol
io il cane di rinoa una volta l'ho chiamato Ca**one XD e ogni volta che usciva stavo per terra a ridere


Come divertirsi male e rovinarsi giocando a FF..      cmq quello di kiamare Red XIII Nanaki l'ho fatto pure io..

Buugen Haagen: Nanaki.. Come here!!
Cloud: Who is Nanaki??
Buugen Haagen: Nanaki is Nanaki

     :mhihi:  :mhihi:

Cmq toglietemi una curiosità sui nomi.. gli equivalenti inglesi sono:

Gidan Tribal: Zidane Tribal
Daga: Dagger
Vivi Orunitia: Vivi Oruniter
Adalberto Steiner: Adalbert Seiner
Quina Quen: Quina Quen
Freija Crescent: Freija Crescent
Eiko Carol. Eiko Carol
Amarant Coral: Salamander Coral


Kazekage del villaggio della sabbia



Alone I travel through the wasteland in my heart
As the grievance tears me apart
Thinking of you and the things you meant to me
My heart is bleeding, I can't go on

If I could unwind the wheel of time I would have been by your side

If I could turn back time My precious love would be alive

The empty void inside my heart grows day by day
I have nowhere to turn to ease the pain
Remembering the smile you used to give me
And your laughter that could light my way home

If I could unwind the wheel of time I would have been by your side

If I could turn back time I never had a chance to say goodbye

I have cried and mourned my loss
My heart keeps beating only for you
Am I strong enough to fight on?
Without your love I stand, I stand empty and alone

So my love watch over me now
My rage catches fire, I will strike them down
I will avenge you, oh, vengeance' s so sweet
That's my last gift for you
I'm forever walking alone


Amarant diventa Salamander?Davvero?
Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws.


Almeno credo.. guardacaso è un uomo salamandra.. Non mancano i tipi bizzarri, questo è certo!!

Kazekage del villaggio della sabbia



Alone I travel through the wasteland in my heart
As the grievance tears me apart
Thinking of you and the things you meant to me
My heart is bleeding, I can't go on

If I could unwind the wheel of time I would have been by your side

If I could turn back time My precious love would be alive

The empty void inside my heart grows day by day
I have nowhere to turn to ease the pain
Remembering the smile you used to give me
And your laughter that could light my way home

If I could unwind the wheel of time I would have been by your side

If I could turn back time I never had a chance to say goodbye

I have cried and mourned my loss
My heart keeps beating only for you
Am I strong enough to fight on?
Without your love I stand, I stand empty and alone

So my love watch over me now
My rage catches fire, I will strike them down
I will avenge you, oh, vengeance' s so sweet
That's my last gift for you
I'm forever walking alone

Silver Element

Mi pare che il nome di steiner in inglese rimane sempre uguale...mi pare....
Citazione di: T-Metal
Citazione di: Silver ElementQuindi se dio esiste....vivi il lato Dio della Vita....

Devi smettere di farti le piste di tasti liofilizzati della tastiera  :ph34r:


Adalbert, Adalberto, lo hanno italianizzato!!

Kazekage del villaggio della sabbia



Alone I travel through the wasteland in my heart
As the grievance tears me apart
Thinking of you and the things you meant to me
My heart is bleeding, I can't go on

If I could unwind the wheel of time I would have been by your side

If I could turn back time My precious love would be alive

The empty void inside my heart grows day by day
I have nowhere to turn to ease the pain
Remembering the smile you used to give me
And your laughter that could light my way home

If I could unwind the wheel of time I would have been by your side

If I could turn back time I never had a chance to say goodbye

I have cried and mourned my loss
My heart keeps beating only for you
Am I strong enough to fight on?
Without your love I stand, I stand empty and alone

So my love watch over me now
My rage catches fire, I will strike them down
I will avenge you, oh, vengeance' s so sweet
That's my last gift for you
I'm forever walking alone

Hunfer l'elfo

ecco.... mi avete fatto tornare la voglia di giocare a FFIX


domani sera mi ci rimetto sotto

Elèn Sìla Lùmenn' Omentielvo.
Aiya ar Firta.

In questo immenso sogno chiamato vita, tutti noi viviamo e combattiamo per i nostri ideali... Non smettere mai di combattere... Combattere significa sopravvivere...


Bravo.. ke ti devo dire??  

Kazekage del villaggio della sabbia



Alone I travel through the wasteland in my heart
As the grievance tears me apart
Thinking of you and the things you meant to me
My heart is bleeding, I can't go on

If I could unwind the wheel of time I would have been by your side

If I could turn back time My precious love would be alive

The empty void inside my heart grows day by day
I have nowhere to turn to ease the pain
Remembering the smile you used to give me
And your laughter that could light my way home

If I could unwind the wheel of time I would have been by your side

If I could turn back time I never had a chance to say goodbye

I have cried and mourned my loss
My heart keeps beating only for you
Am I strong enough to fight on?
Without your love I stand, I stand empty and alone

So my love watch over me now
My rage catches fire, I will strike them down
I will avenge you, oh, vengeance' s so sweet
That's my last gift for you
I'm forever walking alone


non andate troppo ot, su


Scusaci... ma nn credo ci sia molto altro da dire sul nome di daga ^^

Kazekage del villaggio della sabbia



Alone I travel through the wasteland in my heart
As the grievance tears me apart
Thinking of you and the things you meant to me
My heart is bleeding, I can't go on

If I could unwind the wheel of time I would have been by your side

If I could turn back time My precious love would be alive

The empty void inside my heart grows day by day
I have nowhere to turn to ease the pain
Remembering the smile you used to give me
And your laughter that could light my way home

If I could unwind the wheel of time I would have been by your side

If I could turn back time I never had a chance to say goodbye

I have cried and mourned my loss
My heart keeps beating only for you
Am I strong enough to fight on?
Without your love I stand, I stand empty and alone

So my love watch over me now
My rage catches fire, I will strike them down
I will avenge you, oh, vengeance' s so sweet
That's my last gift for you
I'm forever walking alone